Saturday, September 22, 2007

Okay, okay...seeing as how my last few blogs have been a little negative, I figured I should write and let you know that I am okay, my world didn't explode, life is still moving.

But seriously, things are getting better. I am settling in and starting to realize that I am in LONDON! I have been running everyday which has helped me keep in check. I have also been doing some exploring on my own and with my flat mates. I went and checked out Buckingham Palace and Piccadilly Circus (mini Times Square) and the West End. London is very beautiful. East London, where I am, is a little sketch...definitely restrict my runs to day time. haha. But it is going better and I appreciate all the support and love from everyone at home.

There is one thing I have been noticing that I would like to share with everyone. My school here is extremely diverse. There is not minority or majority...its just students...from everywhere. It probably is one of the most diverse places I have ever been for an extended period of time. Maybe I am just ignorant, or maybe I just never took the time to really consider it, but it amazes me how similar people can be. Sure, there are so many differences. Differences that are very obvious...physically, dress, morals, values, customs, traditions, language, food (the list could go on forever)...but there is something fundamentally the same about everyone. There is this "thing," this piece of everyone that links us. Does this make sense at all? I mean, it seems so obvious, we are all humans after all, but how many of you have really thought about it? As different as I am from, say, and Iraqi or a Japanese person, there is something inside all of us that we each would understand about the other. There don't have to be words. But I am saying that there is this feeling, this state of mind, this basic instinct maybe that we all share and we all can see within one another. Its something that we share with our friends and our families.

Maybe I am just rambling and not making sense...its harder than I thought. I am just saying, I think we look at people too often as foreigners, or different from us. Different types of humans, of people. Separated and maybe only being connected because we speak languages or have the same human characteristics...but I think we are all more alike than we care to admit. We don't take the time to look at it...we don't take the time to realize we all feel. Again, maybe you all have thought about this before and I am just lagging behind, but its has just been all that more apparent to me. Queen Mary is full of every race, color, nationality. And yet within each, you can find the kid who is homesick, who misses their boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, or dog. You can find within each the person who wants nothing more than to make this world a better place. You can find within each group the person who will go out of their way to help someone, to lend them a hand. You can find that person within each group because our groups are not as defining as we make them...we ARE all humans. We really are.

Maybe if our leaders stopped to consider that...things wouldn't be so scary in this world. Not just one...all of them. I hope and pray they do.

Okay, enough of this....just want you all to know I am learning. Im not just over in England partying...haha. =)

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